Why I’m Running

It’s time to disrupt the business as usual approach to governing and politics. Our elected officials are too constrained by their parties, donors, and big businesses to do what their voters demand. It’s time to put the community first and I am not afraid to try something new and disrupt the status quo.

Our city wants to elect the next generation of leadership—leaders who have the courage to speak truth to power and fight for policies that uplift the lower and middle classes. Voters want leaders who are not bought and paid for. As the former Executive Director of the Michigan Campaign Finance Network, a nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness of the impact money has on politics, I advocated for transparent and accountable government. If we enact reforms that require our city council and its members to be accountable, legislation that will benefit the working class will follow.

The Supreme Court ruled that spending money is a form of free speech. This has led to the rise of "dark money," where anonymous donors can give unlimited amounts to nonprofits to influence elections. This allows wealthy donors to have tens of thousands of times more "speech" than you. Dark money is at the root of every policy issue in this country because these donors spend their vast amounts of money for their own motives without any accountability. I pledge to refuse any corporate PAC money and will not support organizations making independent expenditures on my behalf.

If we elect new leaders at the local and state level, we can build momentum for electing nonpartisan leaders at the national level in future elections. I will build a community-driven campaign that encourages people like you to speak with your neighbors about the issues facing our city. I am committed to speaking with as many people across our city as possible and shaping my platform based on the conversations I have at your door.

Our city is home to distinct, unique communities that deserve a government that respects their needs and desires, especially when working with developers and the state. I am dedicated to empowering our communities to have the final say when public dollars are spent in their neighborhoods—and ensuring that those dollars stay here. Our residents deserve tangible benefits when developers are incentivized with our tax dollars, and we must enforce the delivery of these benefits.


An ethical and transparent council will make decisions that are best for working class families. I am committed to providing residents with real-time information when decisions are made and strengthen our ethics laws.

Transparency and Accountability: Public access to our information so there is no undue influence

Community Revitalization: Making investments in our communities through collaboration

I will advocate for a community benefits ordinance requiring CBA’s for every project and ensure the community has an input for every upcoming project. I will ensure when our tax dollars are used to incentivize developers that our residents see tangible results.

Affordable Housing: Ensuring every resident has access to housing without compromise

I will expand the use of state and city programs to build affordable housing and get rid of exclusionary zoning. I will also protect renters from predatory and inattentive landlords and secure housing during transitional periods and red tagging.

Public Transit: Building a system that makes Lansing accessible from all neighborhoods

Our community needs to collaborate to make a better connected and assessible transit infrastructure. I will work with residents to better connect underserved areas and advocate for novel modes of transportation.

Infrastructure: Improving streets, bridges, and water systems that Lansing residents demand

Our council needs to be more accountable in implementing resident feedback when directing dollars on our aging infrastructure. I will create new systems to better connect citizens to city plans, utilities, and proposed infrastructure improvements.

Environment: Investing in sustainable power to mitigate climate change and join modern cities

Lansing needs a better plan to mitigate the impact of climate change. I will advocate for renewable energy and work with the community to improve our storm water management systems.

City services: Putting tax dollars to work on snow, streets, and sanitation

Our communities lack proper systems to connect residents to public works departments. I will invest in systems that make getting city services quicker and easier for the city to respond to.